
Increase your skills and value offers to your organization. Earn professional recognition.


1. Increase your skills and value offers to your organization

IIA Cyprus, IIA and ECIIA offer a wide range of seminars, round table discussions and conferences on internal auditing and related subjects. In Cyprus we invite on an annual basis leading international speakers to share with us their knowledge of world

2. Earn professional recognition

With more than 190.000 Certified Internal Auditors (CIA’s) worldwide, the CIA Exam is the internationally recognized professional qualification examination in internal auditing. Becoming a CIA designates a professional level of competence in internal auditing that can lead to a faster career development and greater acceptance in the role as advisor to management. The CIA exams can be taken online in the English language.

3. Get new perspectives on today’s most important internal auditing issues and trends

You will receive the profession’s most respected journal, “Internal Auditor”, at preferential rates. This bi-monthly international journal is published by the IIA and delivers valuable, in-depth articles on the latest auditing practices and techniques.

4. Gain access to a library of books on internal auditing

Our library has all current publications from IIA since 1998 on various specialized topics in internal auditing. Members can borrow these publications for a period of up to 30 days. See separate section for list of publications.

5. Meet peers to share problems and solutions on technical matters

Through regular seminars, meetings and social events, both in Cyprus and abroad, you will have opportunities to make valuable contacts within the profession.

6. Keep abreast of internal audit trends worldwide through leading-edge research

Keep up to date with state-of-the-art pronouncements on developments in audit technology, internal controls, audit committees and other mainstream concerns. The IIA Research Foundation, supported by contributions from members and their organizations, sponsors research projects, forums, scholarships and grants designed to prepare internal auditors for the challenges they face.

7. Enjoy special members discounts

IIA Cyprus members enjoy special discounts on seminars, round table discussions and conferences, as well as on auditing books and video-assisted seminars, software and other tools.

8. International opportunities

The IIA is a worldwide organization. In addition to all the benefits available in Cyprus, you will be able to tap into the IIA’s international events and activities.


The following persons are eligible for membership:

  • Persons holding the professional title of Certified Internal Auditor and/or persons who have direct jurisdiction in Internal Audit activities or act as Internal Auditors in companies, businesses or any organization.
  • Persons who are occupied in issues concerning compliance, risk management, corporate governance, information technology systems audit, and other related functions.

Teachers and/or Instructors in colleges, universities or other higher education institutions, who deliver courses on internal audit and/or other related subjects

Students who are following full-time or part-time courses on Internal Audit, or other related courses, in colleges, universities or other higher education institutions

Persons who have been registered as members, as above, and are presently retired


(as from year 2014)

If you wish to join IIA Cyprus, simply send your application (mail or fax) to the President, Secretary or Treasurer or to the mailing address P.O.Box 26826, 1648 Nicosia, followed by a cheque, or by bank transfer or via the JCC payment system for the enrollment and membership fees.

Membership fees are:
Euro (€)
Full Members
70 Per annum
Student Members
30 Per annum
Pensioner Members
30 Per annum

New members, pay an additional enrollment fee of

Application Forms

Form Name Language Download
Membership Application Form English
Article of Association Greek
Accounts Receivable Policy English